Tina Lopes is an organizational development consultant, facilitator and mediator.
Since 1990, Tina has focused on furthering equity and inclusion work with federal, provincial and municipal government departments as well as with child welfare agencies, school boards, and a variety of health and social service organizations.
She has extensive experience coaching senior and middle managers to integrate equity into core organizational policies and practices. In addition to advising institutional leaders on strategies for change, Tina educates and coaches senior managers to lead more effectively when contentious issues related to equity arise.
Tina has worked with organizations across multiple sectors to integrate equity into a range of human resources policies and practices, including recruitment, selection and promotion.
Over the years, Tina has conducted human rights investigations and assisted organizations to put in place effective policies and practices to uphold human rights in the workplace. With her colleague Charles Smith, Tina was appointed as a consultant to the Ontario Human Rights Tribunal, and asked to steer a province-wide systemic change process to address racism in the Ministry of Correctional Services.
Tina has taught a Master’s level course with the Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University and a fourth-year course in the Atkinson School of Social Work, York University.
The equity courses she developed for child welfare agencies in 2004 are still being delivered by OACAS. The OACAS also houses the leadership program Tina developed for senior leaders who want to advance equity in their organizations.
Tina is also co-author of Dancing on Live Embers: Challenging Racism in Organizations which was awarded the Myers Outstanding Book Award.
Tina continues to research the connections between social transformation, organizational change and spirituality.
The road we travel is equal in importance to the destination we seek. There are no shortcuts. When it comes to Truth and Reconciliation we are forced to go the distance.
Justice Murray Sinclair
Organizations I Have Worked With
School Boards,
Regional Networks and Trustees
Toronto District School Board
Halton District School Board
Waterloo Region District School Board
York Region District School Board
Ottawa Carleton District School Board
Ontario Children’s Aid Societies and Boards
CAS Toronto
Catholic CAS Toronto
York Region CAS
Law and Human Rights Organizations
Ontario Human Rights Commission
Law Society of Upper Canada
Human Rights Legal Support Centre
Government Departments
Department of Canadian Heritage
Ontario Ministry of Education
Human Rights and Equity Secretariat
Ministry of Correctional Services
Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto
Health and Social Service Organizations
Mount Sinai Hospital
Community Health Centers
Family Services of Toronto
Mennonite Central Committee of Canada
Labour Organizations
Canadian Union of Postal Workers
Arts and Culture
Inspirit Foundation
Women’s Organizations
YWCA Shelters
Interval House
Status of Women Committees
Women’s Habitat
Keynote Presentations
CIECYR Symposium
Halton District School Board English Language Learners Conference
Alberta Network of Immigrant Women
Lancaster House, Human Rights and Accommodation Conference. Panel “Racial and Ethnic Discrimination in the Workplace”
Regional Diversity Roundtable Resource Collection Launch
Ministry of Child and Youth Services' "Embracing Diversity" Conference,
"Equitable Employment Practices" for City of Kitchener Management Conference
"Examining Racial Discrimination in the Canadian Context" for the Ninth National Metropolis Conference
Community Development Conference
Calgary Learns
National Multiculturalism Officers Meeting
The Federal Department of Canadian Heritage
Writing and Research
Dancing on Live Embers: Challenging Racism in Organizations. T. Lopes and B. Thomas. Between the Lines Publishers, Toronto, January 2006. Recipient of the 2007 Myers Outstanding Book Award presented by the Gustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human Rights in North America. (www.myerscenter.org)
Creating the Conditions for Excellence: Building an Inclusive Department of Canadian Heritage. Strategy paper on integrating diversity into the policies and practices of the Federal Department of Canadian Heritage, presented at the department’s Diversity Forum, October 2002
Making Whole: Broadening the Definition of Justice for Women Survivers of Sexual Torture. Paper presented at the VIII International Symposium on Torture as a Challenge to Medical and Legal Associations, September 22 – 25, 1999, New Delhi, India.